berg - die Energieoptimierer

UBN PQ3000 Power Quality Analyzer

The UBN PQ5000 power quality analyzer combines the features of a normative PQ meter with functions for energy consumption and power system condition analysis. The modern, multilingual design allows the device to be operated or parameterized intuitively via the device website or the optional high-resolution color TFT display (320x240px). The integrated web server allows remote query, display and analysis of the measurement data. No additional software is required.

SKU: 004951 Category:


Basic version
160 x 110 mm top-hat rail
Power quality analysis class A IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 3
Accuracy class energy: 0.2S
Voltage measurement: 4 channels, LN/LL 520V / 900V
Current measurement: 4 current transformers1/5A
Data memory: 16 GB

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