berg - die Energieoptimierer

Energy Services

We offer a wide range of energy services for companies from competent energy experts. The various subsidy programs of the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) are an important tool for identifying potential savings and highlighting measures to improve energy efficiency at your company. Only the economical use of energy in companies can make a significant contribution to energy security in Germany and to global climate protection.

Starting points for energy consulting are the areas of buildings and systems as well as user behavior. All proposed measures are, of course, always individual and, above all, economical.


Patrick Soboll will competently advise you on all questions regarding your energy management as well as on funding opportunities and support programs for more energy efficiency. Contact Soboll directly for energy services:

Patrick Soboll

Account Manager, Energy Services

T +49 89 379 160 457
M +49 171 569 7135

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